build your framework for lasting health

Health & Vitality are a way of life…not a fad diet. Stop throwing darts and learn a framework for living healthfully that will carry you to true Vitality.

Learn from 40+ world-class experts the secrets to optimizing health & vitality in the modern world

Come Back To Yourself

Tap into your Vitality and see better health and more optimism daily as your energy increases and you feel more free.

All completely free

Find true health and vitality with
sage wisdom and the latest science

This event has been brought together in an effort to cut through the noise and boil true health down to the essentials you actually need to thrive. Vitality is about how we live. How can we stack positive habits that move us in the right direction each day instead of the rollercoaster ride of new fad and miracle cures. The brightest minds in medicine have come together to bring you the “real talk” you need to hear and help you settle into true health that’s sustainable.

The 7 day journey begins now…

Who Is This Summit For?

Does this sound like you?

Stop spinning and come home to a healthy center

By the end of this 7-day summit, you will have a powerful FRAMEWORK for success in health and wellbeing. It’s all about our understanding of lifestyle and health practices. It’s about how we live each day and how that adds to or subtracts from our overall Vitality. 

Let’s take the stress out of it and show you a better way to get the results you want without the silly promises and cheap shortcuts that have never worked. All with the most renowned names in health and medicine…

Ready to Join the Vitality Summit?

When you join The 7-Day Vitality Summit you will:

Event Schedule
Day 1 - Vitalism
On the opening day, we explore the concept of Vitalism and how it applies to our lives. We learn about the body’s innate healing capacity and explore how to best sync up with it for more energy, vitality and vigor.


Picture of Jeff Bland, PhD

Jeff Bland, PhD

The father of Functional Medicine himself helps us kick off the event with wise words about what true health is and how we create space for it in our lives. From the atoms in our cells to the nutrients in our soil, it all comes full circle and that’s how we need to live.

Picture of Mark Burhenne, DDS

Mark Burhenne, DDS

Shares the fascinating connection between oral health and our overall vitality. It all starts in the mouth and Dr Burhenne shares how to get it right at the “Gateway to Health.”

Picture of Steven Gundry, MD

Steven Gundry, MD

Talks about toxins in our foods, vegetables, and grains and how to avoid them. He drives his argument based on Blue Zone data and what we know about people who actually live longer and thrive.

Picture of Tom O'Bryan, DC

Tom O'Bryan, DC

The king of Gluten understanding joins us to talk about how Vitality emerges from our cells and how we need to live in order to drive and maintain it.

Picture of Robert Rountree, MD

Robert Rountree, MD

Esteemed functional medicine doctor and avid hiker shares what commonalities he sees in people who get well vs people who never recover. Get ready to be on the right side of that equation!

Picture of Ari Whitten

Ari Whitten

The master of energy disorders breaks down a powerful insight about the broken medical system and really shakes up our thinking around the entire paradigm. This is a powerful talk!

On the opening day, we explore the concept of Vitalism and how it applies to our lives. We learn about the body’s innate healing capacity and explore how to best sync up with it for more energy, vitality and vigor.


Picture of Jeff Bland, PhD

Jeff Bland, PhD

The father of Functional Medicine himself helps us kick off the event with wise words about what true health is and how we create space for it in our lives. From the atoms in our cells to the nutrients in our soil, it all comes full circle and that’s how we need to live.

Picture of Mark Burhenne, DDS

Mark Burhenne, DDS

Shares the fascinating connection between oral health and our overall vitality. It all starts in the mouth and Dr Burhenne shares how to get it right at the “Gateway to Health.”

Picture of Steven Gundry, MD

Steven Gundry, MD

Talks about toxins in our foods, vegetables, and grains and how to avoid them. He drives his argument based on Blue Zone data and what we know about people who actually live longer and thrive.

Picture of Tom O'Bryan, DC

Tom O'Bryan, DC

The king of Gluten understanding joins us to talk about how Vitality emerges from our cells and how we need to live in order to drive and maintain it.

Picture of Robert Rountree, MD

Robert Rountree, MD

Esteemed functional medicine doctor and avid hiker shares what commonalities he sees in people who get well vs people who never recover. Get ready to be on the right side of that equation!

Picture of Ari Whitten

Ari Whitten

The master of energy disorders breaks down a powerful insight about the broken medical system and really shakes up our thinking around the entire paradigm. This is a powerful talk!

Day 2 - Diet and Nutrition
Here we explore the role of food, the gut lining and the microbiome in our health and Vitality. All disease and inflammation start in the gut so we have to get this right in order to restore health and vibrant energy.


Picture of Nicole Beurkens, PhD

Nicole Beurkens, PhD

Dr. Beurkens helps us understand the intimate relationship between nutrition and out mental health. How we eat matters for our mood. How we feed the right bacteria will drive powerful switches in our epigenetics that help us thrive.

Picture of Katie Kimball

Katie Kimball

What’s the point of buying healthy food if your kids won’t eat it. Katie has been helping parents solve this problem for years. She discusses how to get your kids involved early in the prepping and cooking process so they can develop a healthy relationship with food.

Picture of Kristin Kirkpatrick

Kristin Kirkpatrick

Kristin Kirkpatrick is the President of KAK, Consulting, LLC, a dietitian and consultant of Wellness Nutrition Services at the Cleveland Clinic Dept of Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, and a Senior Fellow at the Meadows Behavioral Healthcare in Wickenburg, Arizona.

Picture of Serena Poon

Serena Poon

The Culinary Alchemist helps us understand how to bring joy and flavor back into our healthy meals. It should be fun. It should be tasty. It should be good for you. Serena shows us how to have it all.

Picture of Ocean Robbins

Ocean Robbins

One of the leaders of the true “Food Revolution” talks about how whole foods and vegetables are an effective and inexpensive way to stay healthy and vibrant. He sites the data and makes a compelling case for all of us to eat more veggies.

Picture of Marvin Singh, MD

Marvin Singh, MD

Dr Singh is one of the best Integrative GI specialists in the world. He helps us understand the powerful role of the microbiome and how it either drives Vitality or ill health.

Picture of Steven Wright

Steven Wright

Steve had to learn to “engineer” his own solution to gut health after traditional medicine failed him. He applied his engineering background to studying and solving the problem and has helped thousands of folks to the same.

Here we explore the role of food, the gut lining and the microbiome in our health and Vitality. All disease and inflammation start in the gut so we have to get this right in order to restore health and vibrant energy.


Picture of Nicole Beurkens, PhD

Nicole Beurkens, PhD

Dr. Beurkens helps us understand the intimate relationship between nutrition and out mental health. How we eat matters for our mood. How we feed the right bacteria will drive powerful switches in our epigenetics that help us thrive.

Picture of Katie Kimball

Katie Kimball

What’s the point of buying healthy food if your kids won’t eat it. Katie has been helping parents solve this problem for years. She discusses how to get your kids involved early in the prepping and cooking process so they can develop a healthy relationship with food.

Picture of Kristin Kirkpatrick

Kristin Kirkpatrick

Kristin Kirkpatrick is the President of KAK, Consulting, LLC, a dietitian and consultant of Wellness Nutrition Services at the Cleveland Clinic Dept of Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, and a Senior Fellow at the Meadows Behavioral Healthcare in Wickenburg, Arizona.

Picture of Serena Poon

Serena Poon

The Culinary Alchemist helps us understand how to bring joy and flavor back into our healthy meals. It should be fun. It should be tasty. It should be good for you. Serena shows us how to have it all.

Picture of Ocean Robbins

Ocean Robbins

One of the leaders of the true “Food Revolution” talks about how whole foods and vegetables are an effective and inexpensive way to stay healthy and vibrant. He sites the data and makes a compelling case for all of us to eat more veggies.

Picture of Marvin Singh, MD

Marvin Singh, MD

Dr Singh is one of the best Integrative GI specialists in the world. He helps us understand the powerful role of the microbiome and how it either drives Vitality or ill health.

Picture of Steven Wright

Steven Wright

Steve had to learn to “engineer” his own solution to gut health after traditional medicine failed him. He applied his engineering background to studying and solving the problem and has helped thousands of folks to the same.

Day 3 - The Exercise Dilemma
Getting going is hard. Avoiding injuries is important. Getting right with movement is essential. Today we visit with experts who are truly walking the walk. Let’s get you moving…


Picture of Aaron Alexander

Aaron Alexander

Aaron Alexander is a manual therapist, movement coach, and author of The Align Method, as well as the host of the Align Podcast.

Picture of Dave Asprey

Dave Asprey

Another founder of the Biohacking movement, Dave’s considered the Godfather of the space. Dave drops some powerful controversial truth bombs around how we all work too hard and never get results. He exercises 30 min a week and looks great!

Picture of Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield

One of the founders of the Biohacking movement talks about his personal regimen, how he keeps moving, and how he looks at health and fitness as a lifestyle instead of a fad. He walks the walk…literally in this interview!

Picture of Drew Manning

Drew Manning

Drew couldn’t figure out why his clients were having so much trouble losing weight so he decided to go from “Fit to Fat to Fit.” He gained a ton of weight and then lost it so he could learn about the hardships people face. What he shares is enlightening.

Picture of Ben Pakulski

Ben Pakulski

Why learn about fitness from someone who’s not fit? Ben is a world class fitness leader who’s been on elite stages as a true bodybuilder. Instead of thinking “not fat”, how can we shift our thinking to “more muscle” and “more energy?”

Picture of Kim Strother

Kim Strother

Kim is a wellness coach, personal trainer, and yoga instructor. As being aptly named one of LA’s top celebrity trainers, she has spent 2 decades creating individualized health programs for clients including her popular 30 Day Transformation Program and In Home Bootcamp. Kim is a featured fitness instructor on the Melissa Wood Health App and has taught for various studios and workshops across the country.

Getting going is hard. Avoiding injuries is important. Getting right with movement is essential. Today we visit with experts who are truly walking the walk. Let’s get you moving…


Picture of Aaron Alexander

Aaron Alexander

Aaron Alexander is a manual therapist, movement coach, and author of The Align Method, as well as the host of the Align Podcast.

Picture of Dave Asprey

Dave Asprey

Another founder of the Biohacking movement, Dave’s considered the Godfather of the space. Dave drops some powerful controversial truth bombs around how we all work too hard and never get results. He exercises 30 min a week and looks great!

Picture of Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield

One of the founders of the Biohacking movement talks about his personal regimen, how he keeps moving, and how he looks at health and fitness as a lifestyle instead of a fad. He walks the walk…literally in this interview!

Picture of Drew Manning

Drew Manning

Drew couldn’t figure out why his clients were having so much trouble losing weight so he decided to go from “Fit to Fat to Fit.” He gained a ton of weight and then lost it so he could learn about the hardships people face. What he shares is enlightening.

Picture of Ben Pakulski

Ben Pakulski

Why learn about fitness from someone who’s not fit? Ben is a world class fitness leader who’s been on elite stages as a true bodybuilder. Instead of thinking “not fat”, how can we shift our thinking to “more muscle” and “more energy?”

Picture of Kim Strother

Kim Strother

Kim is a wellness coach, personal trainer, and yoga instructor. As being aptly named one of LA’s top celebrity trainers, she has spent 2 decades creating individualized health programs for clients including her popular 30 Day Transformation Program and In Home Bootcamp. Kim is a featured fitness instructor on the Melissa Wood Health App and has taught for various studios and workshops across the country.

Day 4 - Sleep
What goes up must come down. Sleep is the best medicine we have but most people are not getting it in sufficient quantities or quality. How can we fix this? Let’s visit with the experts…


Picture of Michael Breus, PhD

Michael Breus, PhD

The Sleep Doctor himself shares his years of experience and clinical pearls around sleep and how to get better quality shut eye. Considered the foremost expert on the subject, he helps make this topic crystal clear for us.

Picture of Anna Cabeca, DO

Anna Cabeca, DO

Dr Cabeca is a renowned authority on hormone health and it’s impact on our vitality. Here, she helps us unravel how our hormones impact our sleep and how that has downstream effects on our overall health.

Picture of David Perlmutter, MD

David Perlmutter, MD

Considered one of the most prominent physicians of our time, Dr Perlmutter’s work on brain health and it’s relationship with diet is foundational. Here he talks with us about brain health and it’s role in sleep and recovery.

Picture of Shawn Stevenson

Shawn Stevenson

Frustrated and beat up with back pain, Shawn was headed in the wrong direction at a young age. As a former athlete, none of it made sense. He dug into the literature and found some powerful leverage around nutrition and its effects on sleep. Now a best-selling author and authority on the topic, he shares his wisdom with us here.

What goes up must come down. Sleep is the best medicine we have but most people are not getting it in sufficient quantities or quality. How can we fix this? Let’s visit with the experts…


Picture of Michael Breus, PhD

Michael Breus, PhD

The Sleep Doctor himself shares his years of experience and clinical pearls around sleep and how to get better quality shut eye. Considered the foremost expert on the subject, he helps make this topic crystal clear for us.

Picture of Anna Cabeca, DO

Anna Cabeca, DO

Dr Cabeca is a renowned authority on hormone health and it’s impact on our vitality. Here, she helps us unravel how our hormones impact our sleep and how that has downstream effects on our overall health.

Picture of David Perlmutter, MD

David Perlmutter, MD

Considered one of the most prominent physicians of our time, Dr Perlmutter’s work on brain health and it’s relationship with diet is foundational. Here he talks with us about brain health and it’s role in sleep and recovery.

Picture of Shawn Stevenson

Shawn Stevenson

Frustrated and beat up with back pain, Shawn was headed in the wrong direction at a young age. As a former athlete, none of it made sense. He dug into the literature and found some powerful leverage around nutrition and its effects on sleep. Now a best-selling author and authority on the topic, he shares his wisdom with us here.

Day 5 - Mindset
Getting our heads wrapped around lifestyle as an “Operating System” is critical. Health isn’t something we “do” when “not health” sets in. It isn’t a correction to disease but more a way of life. How can we reframe our mindset to simply “live healthfully” all the time?


Picture of Alex Howard

Alex Howard

Alex Howard is Founder & Chairman of The Optimum Health Clinic (OHC), one of the world’s leading integrative medicine clinics. With a team of 25 full time practitioners supporting thousands of patients in 50+ countries, the OHC team integrate a therapeutic coaching approach with functional nutrition. Alex is creator of the Therapeutic Coaching methodology, and since March 2020, has been documenting his therapeutic work with real life patients via his In Therapy with Alex Howard YouTube series.

Picture of Dr. Melissa Nau

Dr. Melissa Nau

With over 20 years of experience as a healthcare innovator and leader focused on resilience, engagement, and results, Melissa Nau, M.D. supports executives and teams to elevate their performance and build healthy, high impact cultures. She joins the summit in a powerful talk around how mindset needs to be the glue in how we approach Vitality.

Picture of Dr. Dave Rabin

Dr. Dave Rabin

Dr. David Rabin, MD, PhD, a board-certified psychiatrist and neuroscientist, is the co-founder & Chief Medical Officer at Apollo Neuroscience, the first scientifically-validated wearable technology to improve heart rate variability, focus, relaxation, and access to meditative states by delivering gentle vibrations to the body. In addition to his clinical psychiatry practice, Dr. Rabin is also the Executive Director of The Board of Medicine, and a psychedelic clinical researcher currently evaluating the mechanism of psychedelic medicines in treatment-resistant mental illnesses.

Picture of Elliot Roe

Elliot Roe

Elliot Roe is a leading mindset and performance coach, acclaimed for helping the best in the world achieve peak performance. He also advises high performers across various disciplines, from UFC fighters & Olympians, to CEOs, Founders, Poker players and Hedge Fund Managers. Elliot’s holistic approach to mindset and performance has positioned him as a pivotal figure for those seeking to conquer stress, enhance focus, and master the emotional complexities inherent to high-stakes decision-making.

Picture of Noah Rolland

Noah Rolland

Noah Rolland is the CEO of NeuroTrainer, Inc., the "Gym For The Mind", an early-stage neuroscience-based human performance optimization company in San Francisco. Noah has been studying and teaching the principles of human performance and mental optimization for the last 30 years. A life-long martial artist, meditator and yoga teacher, he has worked closely with Special Forces operators, professional athletes, executives and college coaches, helping to develop new levels of focus and mental performance.

Picture of Deborah Rozman

Deborah Rozman

Deborah Rozman, Ph.D. is President and co-CEO with HeartMath founder and Chairman Doc Childre of HeartMath Inc. Deborah is a behavioral psychologist and since 1991 she has helped lead HeartMath's mission to facilitate a more resilient and heart-based world. HeartMath’s programs provide scientifically-validated coherence techniques for emotional self-regulation and internal energy management to improve health and well-being, build resilience, and enhance energy, intuition and innovation.

Getting our heads wrapped around lifestyle as an “Operating System” is critical. Health isn’t something we “do” when “not health” sets in. It isn’t a correction to disease but more a way of life. How can we reframe our mindset to simply “live healthfully” all the time?


Picture of Alex Howard

Alex Howard

Alex Howard is Founder & Chairman of The Optimum Health Clinic (OHC), one of the world’s leading integrative medicine clinics. With a team of 25 full time practitioners supporting thousands of patients in 50+ countries, the OHC team integrate a therapeutic coaching approach with functional nutrition. Alex is creator of the Therapeutic Coaching methodology, and since March 2020, has been documenting his therapeutic work with real life patients via his In Therapy with Alex Howard YouTube series.

Picture of Dr. Melissa Nau

Dr. Melissa Nau

With over 20 years of experience as a healthcare innovator and leader focused on resilience, engagement, and results, Melissa Nau, M.D. supports executives and teams to elevate their performance and build healthy, high impact cultures. She joins the summit in a powerful talk around how mindset needs to be the glue in how we approach Vitality.

Picture of Dr. Dave Rabin

Dr. Dave Rabin

Dr. David Rabin, MD, PhD, a board-certified psychiatrist and neuroscientist, is the co-founder & Chief Medical Officer at Apollo Neuroscience, the first scientifically-validated wearable technology to improve heart rate variability, focus, relaxation, and access to meditative states by delivering gentle vibrations to the body. In addition to his clinical psychiatry practice, Dr. Rabin is also the Executive Director of The Board of Medicine, and a psychedelic clinical researcher currently evaluating the mechanism of psychedelic medicines in treatment-resistant mental illnesses.

Picture of Elliot Roe

Elliot Roe

Elliot Roe is a leading mindset and performance coach, acclaimed for helping the best in the world achieve peak performance. He also advises high performers across various disciplines, from UFC fighters & Olympians, to CEOs, Founders, Poker players and Hedge Fund Managers. Elliot’s holistic approach to mindset and performance has positioned him as a pivotal figure for those seeking to conquer stress, enhance focus, and master the emotional complexities inherent to high-stakes decision-making.

Picture of Noah Rolland

Noah Rolland

Noah Rolland is the CEO of NeuroTrainer, Inc., the "Gym For The Mind", an early-stage neuroscience-based human performance optimization company in San Francisco. Noah has been studying and teaching the principles of human performance and mental optimization for the last 30 years. A life-long martial artist, meditator and yoga teacher, he has worked closely with Special Forces operators, professional athletes, executives and college coaches, helping to develop new levels of focus and mental performance.

Picture of Deborah Rozman

Deborah Rozman

Deborah Rozman, Ph.D. is President and co-CEO with HeartMath founder and Chairman Doc Childre of HeartMath Inc. Deborah is a behavioral psychologist and since 1991 she has helped lead HeartMath's mission to facilitate a more resilient and heart-based world. HeartMath’s programs provide scientifically-validated coherence techniques for emotional self-regulation and internal energy management to improve health and well-being, build resilience, and enhance energy, intuition and innovation.

Day 6 - A Healthy and Safe Home
We spend most of our time at home. What if we were getting poisoned in the very place we need to feel safe…the place to go to recover? It turns out that indoor air quality is 5x worse than outdoor air. The toxins in our furniture and carpets…our clothes and candles may be making us sick. Let’s help you make your home safe again…


Picture of Ryan Blaser

Ryan Blaser

Ryan Blaser is the accomplished Founder and CEO of Test My Home, an environmental company dedicated to improving people's health and wellbeing. As a functional medicine doctor for your home, Ryan uses his expertise in building biology and healthy home consulting to identify and address toxic sources that could be impacting your health.

Picture of Margaret Christensen

Margaret Christensen

An Institute for Functional Medicine faculty member for 12 years, Dr. Christensen became intimately familiar with Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune, Hormonal, Neurological and Psychiatric consequences of unrecognized Biotoxin illness. A board-certified OB-GYN for 23 years, her initial boutique Functional Medicine practice has grown into The Carpathia Collaborative, a large multidisciplinary, FM Practice based in Dallas and covering the full spectrum of complex chronic disease.

Picture of Austin Perlmutter

Austin Perlmutter

Dr Austin Perlmutter is a board-certified internal medicine physician, New York Times bestselling author, published researcher and international educator. His mission is to help people improve their health by targeting the biological basis of “stuckness” in our brains and bodies. His writing, presentations, podcasts, and online educational programs explore how environmental factors influence our cognitive and mental state and have reached millions.

Picture of Warren Phillips

Warren Phillips

Warren Phillips, M.S., the Non-Toxic Dad, is a social movement that educates individuals to choose a non-toxic lifestyle. A passionate and energetic individual, he lives by his words and works tirelessly to educate the world about avoiding and removing toxins. Non-Toxic Dad has reached and impacted over 100,000 million people in the last year.

Picture of Nicolas Pinault

Nicolas Pinault

Nick “The EMF Guy” Pineault (*like the wine*) is the #1 bestselling author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs and an advocate for safe technologies. Through his unconventional approach blending humor, science and common sense, he’s becoming a leading voice on the topic of electromagnetic pollution and how it affects our health.

Picture of Ryan Sternagel

Ryan Sternagel

Ryan Sternagel is the the founder along with his wife Teddy of The Stern Method, a platform informing and inspiring families preventing or reversing cancer to succeed on all fronts. Along with The Stern Method website and social media presence, Ryan hosts The Anti-Cancer Revolution podcast and online conference series, and is the creator of Going Integrative Plus, a community providing everyone concerned with cancer step by step directions and guidance directly from the top holistic cancer doctors in the world.

We spend most of our time at home. What if we were getting poisoned in the very place we need to feel safe…the place to go to recover? It turns out that indoor air quality is 5x worse than outdoor air. The toxins in our furniture and carpets…our clothes and candles may be making us sick. Let’s help you make your home safe again…


Picture of Ryan Blaser

Ryan Blaser

Ryan Blaser is the accomplished Founder and CEO of Test My Home, an environmental company dedicated to improving people's health and wellbeing. As a functional medicine doctor for your home, Ryan uses his expertise in building biology and healthy home consulting to identify and address toxic sources that could be impacting your health.

Picture of Margaret Christensen

Margaret Christensen

An Institute for Functional Medicine faculty member for 12 years, Dr. Christensen became intimately familiar with Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune, Hormonal, Neurological and Psychiatric consequences of unrecognized Biotoxin illness. A board-certified OB-GYN for 23 years, her initial boutique Functional Medicine practice has grown into The Carpathia Collaborative, a large multidisciplinary, FM Practice based in Dallas and covering the full spectrum of complex chronic disease.

Picture of Austin Perlmutter

Austin Perlmutter

Dr Austin Perlmutter is a board-certified internal medicine physician, New York Times bestselling author, published researcher and international educator. His mission is to help people improve their health by targeting the biological basis of “stuckness” in our brains and bodies. His writing, presentations, podcasts, and online educational programs explore how environmental factors influence our cognitive and mental state and have reached millions.

Picture of Warren Phillips

Warren Phillips

Warren Phillips, M.S., the Non-Toxic Dad, is a social movement that educates individuals to choose a non-toxic lifestyle. A passionate and energetic individual, he lives by his words and works tirelessly to educate the world about avoiding and removing toxins. Non-Toxic Dad has reached and impacted over 100,000 million people in the last year.

Picture of Nicolas Pinault

Nicolas Pinault

Nick “The EMF Guy” Pineault (*like the wine*) is the #1 bestselling author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs and an advocate for safe technologies. Through his unconventional approach blending humor, science and common sense, he’s becoming a leading voice on the topic of electromagnetic pollution and how it affects our health.

Picture of Ryan Sternagel

Ryan Sternagel

Ryan Sternagel is the the founder along with his wife Teddy of The Stern Method, a platform informing and inspiring families preventing or reversing cancer to succeed on all fronts. Along with The Stern Method website and social media presence, Ryan hosts The Anti-Cancer Revolution podcast and online conference series, and is the creator of Going Integrative Plus, a community providing everyone concerned with cancer step by step directions and guidance directly from the top holistic cancer doctors in the world.

Day 7 - More Energy, More Life
On this final day, let’s wrap it up by helping you understand that there’s a new scoreboard. It’s all about Vitality and resilience. It’s all about feeling our best and having abundant energy on a daily basis. Here’s how we live this way…


Picture of Jill Carnahan

Jill Carnahan

Dr. Jill Carnahan is Your Functional Medicine Expert®. She is dually board certified and is the founder and Medical Director of Flatiron Functional Medicine. As a survivor of breast cancer, Crohn’s disease, and toxic mold illness she brings a unique perspective to treating patients. She specializes in searching for the underlying causes of illness through cutting-edge lab testing and personalized medicine protocols.

Picture of Dr. Catherine Clinton

Dr. Catherine Clinton

Dr. Catherine Clinton, a licensed naturopathic physician, has spent over 16 years helping people overcome their health issues. Diagnosed with two autoimmune conditions and Lyme disease while in medical school, she began the long and difficult journey of healing- a path that led to the commitment to help others to not only heal physically but to return to the relationships we evolved over millennia with for a deeper sense of health and belonging.

Picture of Tom Malterre

Tom Malterre

Tom Malterre MS, CN has been interested in nutritional sciences since he was a 10 year old child. He holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in nutritional sciences from Bastyr University, is a educator for the Institute for Functional Medicine, and has over 18 years of clinical experience in functional nutrition. He published the book The Elimination Diet filled with case studies from his clinical practice and recipes from Alissa Segersten, MS, CN. Tom has been the director of education at multiple companies including Seeking Health, and Functional Medicine of Idaho. He was also a medical affairs member at Thorne Research for 7 years where he instructed physicians and other practitioners on nutritional supplementation.

Picture of William Pawluk

William Pawluk

Dr. Pawluk is an industry leader in energy medicine. He’s been on the cutting edge of PEMF technology and its clinical application for our common ailments. The body is electric. How can we influence these currents to speed and facilitate healing? There’s now a scientific basis for all of this and Dr. Pawluk brings it to light in today’s interview.

Picture of Ryan Smith

Ryan Smith

Ryan Smith is founder of TruDiagnsotic. Ryan received a BA in biochemistry from Transylvania University before heading to medical school in 2013. After passing USMLE Step 1, he decided to leave and open up a pharmacy in the United States that focused on peptide synthesis and formulations for pharmaceutical preparations. That pharmacy, Tailor Made Compounding, became the 4th fastest growing company in healthcare in the US and grew to 80 million in revenue within 3 years. Through this pharmacy work, Ryan saw the value of preventative medicine. Many of the physicians Tailor Made served were treating age as a disease and a primary outcome but needed better tools to measure this process. As a result, Ryan exited Tailor Made in 2020 to create TruDiagnostic.

Picture of Scott Stoll

Scott Stoll

Dr. Stoll is and international leader in lifestyle medicine and board certified physician specializing in sports and regenerative musculoskeletal medicine. During his career, he has provided care to top Olympic, professional, and collegiate athletes as well as Royal families in Europe and the Middle East. An innovator, he is the co-founder of the Plantrician Project, the International Plant Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference, the International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention, and the Regenerative Health Institute, a unique collaborative project with the Rodale Institute that integrates a regenerative vision of human health, agriculture, and the environment.

Picture of Kevin Ellis

Kevin Ellis

A Former Marine who was diagnosed with osteoporosis at way too young of an age. He refused to believe settling for drugs was his fate and began to research bone health and the causes. Not only was he able to heal himself, he’s now helped thousands of people reverse their bone loss and come back to Vitality.

Picture of Max Lugavere

Max Lugavere

Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist, filmmaker, and bestselling author. He is the author of the Genius trilogy of books, including the New York Times bestseller Genius Foods and Genius Kitchen. He hosts The Genius Life podcast, one of the top health and wellness podcasts in the U.S, with an audience of over 1.5 million followers across social media.

On this final day, let’s wrap it up by helping you understand that there’s a new scoreboard. It’s all about Vitality and resilience. It’s all about feeling our best and having abundant energy on a daily basis. Here’s how we live this way…


Picture of Jill Carnahan

Jill Carnahan

Dr. Jill Carnahan is Your Functional Medicine Expert®. She is dually board certified and is the founder and Medical Director of Flatiron Functional Medicine. As a survivor of breast cancer, Crohn’s disease, and toxic mold illness she brings a unique perspective to treating patients. She specializes in searching for the underlying causes of illness through cutting-edge lab testing and personalized medicine protocols.

Picture of Dr. Catherine Clinton

Dr. Catherine Clinton

Dr. Catherine Clinton, a licensed naturopathic physician, has spent over 16 years helping people overcome their health issues. Diagnosed with two autoimmune conditions and Lyme disease while in medical school, she began the long and difficult journey of healing- a path that led to the commitment to help others to not only heal physically but to return to the relationships we evolved over millennia with for a deeper sense of health and belonging.

Picture of Tom Malterre

Tom Malterre

Tom Malterre MS, CN has been interested in nutritional sciences since he was a 10 year old child. He holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in nutritional sciences from Bastyr University, is a educator for the Institute for Functional Medicine, and has over 18 years of clinical experience in functional nutrition. He published the book The Elimination Diet filled with case studies from his clinical practice and recipes from Alissa Segersten, MS, CN. Tom has been the director of education at multiple companies including Seeking Health, and Functional Medicine of Idaho. He was also a medical affairs member at Thorne Research for 7 years where he instructed physicians and other practitioners on nutritional supplementation.

Picture of William Pawluk

William Pawluk

Dr. Pawluk is an industry leader in energy medicine. He’s been on the cutting edge of PEMF technology and its clinical application for our common ailments. The body is electric. How can we influence these currents to speed and facilitate healing? There’s now a scientific basis for all of this and Dr. Pawluk brings it to light in today’s interview.

Picture of Ryan Smith

Ryan Smith

Ryan Smith is founder of TruDiagnsotic. Ryan received a BA in biochemistry from Transylvania University before heading to medical school in 2013. After passing USMLE Step 1, he decided to leave and open up a pharmacy in the United States that focused on peptide synthesis and formulations for pharmaceutical preparations. That pharmacy, Tailor Made Compounding, became the 4th fastest growing company in healthcare in the US and grew to 80 million in revenue within 3 years. Through this pharmacy work, Ryan saw the value of preventative medicine. Many of the physicians Tailor Made served were treating age as a disease and a primary outcome but needed better tools to measure this process. As a result, Ryan exited Tailor Made in 2020 to create TruDiagnostic.

Picture of Scott Stoll

Scott Stoll

Dr. Stoll is and international leader in lifestyle medicine and board certified physician specializing in sports and regenerative musculoskeletal medicine. During his career, he has provided care to top Olympic, professional, and collegiate athletes as well as Royal families in Europe and the Middle East. An innovator, he is the co-founder of the Plantrician Project, the International Plant Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference, the International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention, and the Regenerative Health Institute, a unique collaborative project with the Rodale Institute that integrates a regenerative vision of human health, agriculture, and the environment.

Picture of Kevin Ellis

Kevin Ellis

A Former Marine who was diagnosed with osteoporosis at way too young of an age. He refused to believe settling for drugs was his fate and began to research bone health and the causes. Not only was he able to heal himself, he’s now helped thousands of people reverse their bone loss and come back to Vitality.

Picture of Max Lugavere

Max Lugavere

Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist, filmmaker, and bestselling author. He is the author of the Genius trilogy of books, including the New York Times bestseller Genius Foods and Genius Kitchen. He hosts The Genius Life podcast, one of the top health and wellness podcasts in the U.S, with an audience of over 1.5 million followers across social media.

Meet Your Speakers

Meet 40+ world-class experts in health and wellbeing. Each was handpicked and asked to tell our audience what they need to hear right now and cut the noise in this sea of disconnected health advice.

This is the true Who’s Who of health and vitality

Aaron Alexander
Dave Asprey

Dave Asprey is a multi-New York Times and national bestselling author of Game Changers, Head Strong, The Bulletproof Diet, and Smarter Not Harder, the creator of Bulletproof Coffee, and the host of the Webby Award-winning #1 rated health show, The Human Upgrade Podcast. Dave is the founder and CEO of Upgrade Labs, and Danger Coffee.

Dr. Nicole Beurkens

Dr. Jeffrey Bland
The father of Functional Medicine himself helps us kick off the event with wise words about what true health is and how we create space for it in our lives. From the atoms in our cells to the nutrients in our soil, it all comes full circle and that’s how we need to live.
Ryan Blaser
Ryan Blaser is the accomplished Founder and CEO of Test My Home, an environmental company dedicated to improving people’s health and wellbeing. As a functional medicine doctor for your home, Ryan uses his expertise in building biology and healthy home consulting to identify and address toxic sources that could be impacting your health.

Dr. Michael Breus

Dr. Mark Burhenne

Dr. Anna Cabeca

Anna Cabeca, DO, OBGYN, FACOG, is best selling author of The Hormone Fix and Keto-Green 16 and MenuPause. Dr. Anna is triple-board certified and a fellow of gynecology and obstetrics, integrative medicine, and anti-aging and regenerative medicine.

Dr. Jill Carnahan

Dr. Jill Carnahan is Your Functional Medicine Expert®. She is dually board certified and is the founder and Medical Director of Flatiron Functional Medicine.
Dr. Margaret Christensen

Dr. Christensen has been an Institute for Functional Medicine faculty member for 12 years. For over 23 years she has been a board-certified OB-GYN, her initial boutique Functional Medicine practice has grown into The Carpathia Collaborative, a large multidisciplinary, FM Practice based in Dallas and covering the full spectrum of complex chronic disease.

Dr. Catherine Clinton
Ben Greenfield
Ben Greenfield is a health consultant, speaker, and New York Times bestselling author of a wide variety of books including the widely popular titles Beyond Training, Boundless, Fit Soul, Spiritual Disciplines Journal, the Boundless Cookbook and Endure.
Dr. Steven Gundry
Dr. Steven Gundry MD, Heart Surgeon, New York Times Bestseller, Host of The Dr. Gundry Podcast. He is one of the world’s top cardiothoracic surgeons and a pioneer in nutrition.
Alex Howard
Alex Howard is Founder & Chairman of The Optimum Health Clinic (OHC), one of the world’s leading integrative medicine clinics. With a team of 25 full time practitioners supporting thousands of patients in 50+ countries, the OHC team integrate a therapeutic coaching approach with functional nutrition.
Katie Kimball
Katie Kimball, the national voice of healthy kids cooking, is a former teacher, two-time TEDx speaker, writer, and mom of 4 kids who founded the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse, which was recommended by The Wall Street Journal as the best online cooking class for kids.

Kristin Kirkpatrick

Max Lugavere
Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist, filmmaker, and bestselling author. He is the author of the Genius trilogy of books, including the New York Times bestseller Genius Foods and Genius Kitchen.
Thomas Malterre
Drew Manning
Drew Manning is the NY Times best selling author of the book, Fit2Fat2Fit and the creator of the hit TV show on A&E, Fit to Fat to Fit. His journey and experiment of intentionally gaining weight has landed him on TV shows such as Dr. Oz, Good Morning America, The View and many more.
Dr. Melissa Nau

Dr. Tom O’Bryan

The king of Gluten understanding joins us to talk about how Vitality emerges from our cells and how we need to live in order to drive and maintain it.
Ben Pakulski

Ben is the CEO of the Muscle Intelligence Brand, host of the Muscle Intelligence Podcast, and creator of MI40, the best selling brand that revolutionized the fitness industry, changing the way training is understood and executed. 

Dr. William Pawluk

Dr. Austin Perlmutter

Dr Austin Perlmutter is a board-certified internal medicine physician, New York Times bestselling author, published researcher and international educator. His writing, presentations, podcasts, and online educational programs explore how environmental factors influence our cognitive and mental state and have reached millions.

Dr. David Perlmutter

Warren Phillips
Nicolas Pineault
Nick “The EMF Guy” Pineault (*like the wine*) is the #1 bestselling author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs and an advocate for safe technologies. Through his unconventional approach blending humor, science and common sense, he’s becoming a leading voice on the topic of electromagnetic pollution and how it affects our health.
Serena Poon
Serena Poon, CN, CHC, CHN is a globally recognized longevity expert and is the CEO of Serena Loves, LLC, a wellness lifestyle brand and product company, founder of Just Add Water®, a line of super nutrient foods and supplements, and President and Co-Founder of Fully Aligned Co, LLC, a company focused on services and consumer products in the longevity space.

Dr. Dave Rabin

Dr. David Rabin, MD, PhD, a board-certified psychiatrist and neuroscientist, is the co-founder & Chief Medical Officer at Apollo Neuroscience, the first scientifically-validated wearable technology to improve heart rate variability, focus, relaxation, and access to meditative states by delivering gentle vibrations to the body.
Ocean Robbins
Ocean Robbins is co-founder & CEO of the million-member Food Revolution Network. He is author of the bestsellers, 31-Day Food Revolution and Real Superfoods.
Elliot Roe
Elliot Roe is a leading mindset and performance coach, acclaimed for helping the best in the world achieve peak performance. He also advises high performers across various disciplines, from UFC fighters & Olympians, to CEOs, Founders, Poker players and Hedge Fund Managers.
Noah Rolland

Noah Rolland is the CEO of NeuroTrainer, Inc., the “Gym For The Mind”, an early-stage neuroscience-based human performance optimization company in San Francisco. NeuroTrainer is laying the groundwork for the future of human performance through next-generation cognitive training and measurement. 

Dr. Robert Rountree

Dr. Deborah Rozman

Deborah Rozman, Ph.D. is President and co-CEO with HeartMath founder and Chairman Doc Childre of HeartMath Inc. Deborah is a behavioral psychologist and since 1991 she has helped lead HeartMath’s mission to facilitate a more resilient and heart-based world.

Dr. Marvin Singh

Marvin Singh, MD, is the Founder of Precisione Clinic and one of only a few Integrative Gastroenterologists in the United States.

Ryan Smith

Ryan Smith is founder of TruDiagnsotic. Ryan also opened up a pharmacy, Tailor Made Compounding, becoming the 4th fastest growing company in healthcare in the US and grew to 80 million in revenue within 3 years. Many of the physicians Tailor Made served were treating age as a disease and a primary outcome but needed better tools to measure this process. As a result, Ryan exited Tailor Made in 2020 to create TruDiagnostic.
Ryan Sternagel

Ryan Sternagel is the the founder along with his wife Teddy of The Stern Method.
Ryan hosts The Anti-Cancer Revolution podcast and online conference series, and is the creator of Going Integrative Plus, a community providing everyone concerned with cancer step by step directions and guidance directly from the top holistic cancer doctors in the world.

Shawn Stevenson
Shawn Stevenson is the author of the USA Today National bestseller Eat Smarter and the international bestselling book Sleep Smarter. He’s also creator of The Model Health Show, featured as the number #1 health podcast in the U.S. with millions of listener downloads each month.

Dr. Scott Stoll

Dr. Stoll is and international leader in lifestyle medicine and board certified physician specializing in sports and regenerative musculoskeletal medicine. He is the co-founder of the Plantrician Project, the International Plant Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference, the International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention, and the Regenerative Health Institute.

Kim Strother

Ari Whitten

Ari Whitten, M.S. is the founder of The Energy Blueprint. He is the best-selling author of The Ultimate Guide To Red Light Therapy, and Eat For Energy: How To Beat Fatigue, and Supercharge Your Mitochondria For All-Day Energy.
Steve Wright
Kevin Ellis

Your Host, Dr. Pedram Shojai, The Urban Monk

Learn from 40+ world-class experts the secrets to optimizing health & vitality in the modern world


Learn from the who’s who in medicine and wellness. Each expert was asked to “get real” with folks and tell them what they need to hear right now.


Wisdom comes with time and the collective knowledge and experience of this powerful panel refines hundreds of years of insight into each day of the event.

Practical and Approachable

Stop taking notes and just listen and absorb. The vibe is this conference is designed to reduce your stress and FOMO and help you settle into health instead of having to chase it.

An Engaged Community

Join thousands of like-minded folks who are on this journey with you. You can interact and share…learn and grow together. You’re not alone in this.

Learn How to:

By the end of the event, you’ll know how to live healthfully in every major area of your life so you can attain true Vitality. It’s all about reducing the bad habits and stacking the positive ones in a systematic way. As you feel better each day, you can invest that energy into bigger and better changes for a brighter future. Everything you’ll learn here has been proven to work and is backed by rigorous science.

Enough fads. Enough FOMO. 
Enough stress around health.

The challenge we all face is there’s too much stress around everything in our lives…we don’t need to stress about how to be healthy on top of it. It leads to “orthorexia” and smoothies we waste because our cortisol is too high anyways. Let’s not throw darts here.

Our speakers were asked to keep it real and help you understand how to build a mental operating system that’s all about health. Vitality is a way of life…not something we should be chasing.

Vitality is a state of being where health emerges from within.

No matter what you’re dealing with right now, the Vitality Summit was designed to help you get on a sane healthy path that you can stay on. You’ll get plenty of tools and resources to help you along the way…all designed to help you increase your Vitality one day at a time.

Join the 40+ world-class experts the secrets to optimizing health & vitality in the modern world

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